Pregnancy-Dealing with feeling “Fat” and emotional…

So my baby is growing and unfortunately so am I. My last pregnancy I was not particularly fit and I didn’t have a healthy eating routine, I have since in the last three years taken up jogging and become fit, I have adjusted my eating to cut out sugar and refined carbs and worked hard on becoming sexy again. This Pregnancy was wanted, It was badly needed and wanted and planned for so very long that It is now a miracle that it happened after my struggles. When I started this pregnancy I vowed to continue with my healthy eating and fitness as far as I could as to not just pack on a seriously large amount of unneeded fat like I did the last time. I find it is not about what I look like or how big I am but rather more about how comfortable I feel in my own skin and at the moment it is not very comfortable at all.


Now before I carry on let me just say that it is in no way healthy to “diet” during pregnancy and it is not good to worry about staying skinny because that just isn’t going to happen anyways, this post is aimed at the self esteem and uncomfortable feelings pregnancy can bring on. My goals are more aimed at only putting on what I need and not falling for that mind trap that tells you to eat everything in site while being pregnant. Its a big myth that you have to eat for two during pregnancy and baby in the beginning only really requires about 300 extra calories a day from the second trimester.

All I have dreamed of is a pregnancy where I feel fit and healthy and confident with myself, If you have been pregnant before you will know that when you hit that second trimester and start feeling “puffy” all over , it is then difficult to not feel uncomfortable especially when your clothes do not fit anymore. So with my healthy eating plan and all that… Where did I some how go wrong in the last few weeks?

pregnancy and weight gain

I started out well with my continued fitness routine and my eating was super healthy but as soon as the “I am dead tired” pregnant feeling kicked in I started eating more bread and junk food in search of energy and then one unhealthy week morphed into six and here I am a good few Kg heavier and feeling like I lost myself somewhere along the lines. Mostly not the weight that is bothering me but more the fact that I lost control of my routine and fitness I have spent the last few years building. It can be a big emotional adjustment to learn to not look at the numbers on the scale.

It is so important to remember to love your self no matter what you look like, Or tho it is hard to deal with feeling uncomfortable in your own skin. Here are a few tips to help you take back control of your routine if you find your self lost as I am, And with it bring back your confidence during pregnancy!!

  • Make A food diary… Keep a diary of your daily eating, write down everything you eat and then you can review it and make changes for more healthier choices. Often seeing what you have written down then puts it into perspective.
  • Research Food options or ask your Dr or Midwife which food groups are a healthier choice during pregnancy so that you are getting correct nutrients while not making bad eating choices.
  •  Exercise! This is an important one. keep moving, If you are already a runner then keep running or If you are not then take up going for fast walks and do toning exercises such as leg lifts and squats, there will keep you toned and prevent feeling puffy. It is so healthy to stay fit while pregnant and even helps prepare for labour.
  • Drink Water!!! Staying hydrated helps in so many ways and is also essential for baby! Drinking enough water prevents constipation (one of the main causes of feeling uncomfortable)  and also helps flush out impurities in your system so less puffyness!!
  • Dress up pretty!!! Make use of maternity wear that is tight fitting to show off your sexy new curves but at the same time is designed for comfort. Take time to do your makeup and spray on some perfume, It does wonders for self esteem!

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I would love to hear about how you felt when you were pregnant or how you are feeling now if you are currently pregnant. I am now 17 weeks, I will be posting pregnancy updates and my feelings and progress as I go along so if this interests you then follow me on social media and on the Blog.